Sunday, August 10, 2008

Breaking Dawn......Literally!

On August 1 a few of my friends from Sego Lily and I went to the "Breaking Dawn" party at Barnes and Noble. It all started the day before when we had to go get wristbands to determine our place in line. As you can see, we got Esme wristbands!
Please ignore the ugly look on my face! I don't know what I was thinking, but here is me and Christi with neck marks (from Edward). They had a neck painting station set up at Barnes and Noble, along with some other fun activities.

Here is Christi, Me, and Heather waiting anxiously in line. Barnes and Noble organized the line in groups of 50 according to a name of a character from the books. Ofcourse Edward was the first group (and I wish I was in that group), but we were in Esme's group which wasn't too far back in line.

Finally at about 12:50a.m. a copy of Breaking Dawn was mine! Now I just need some time to finish it!


Shaylee said...

Love it..

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! I am reading all of the books again... so don't tell me what happens!!

The Staheli's said...

Hey girl! Found your blog through Angie. :D How fun to have a girls night out. I am so stinking excited to read Breaking Dawn. Not excited enough to buy it yet I guess. But soon...very soon!

Rachel Jenkins said...

Wow!! You guys are truly insane!! Lol! Oh I started a blog! Let's be blog friends!

Jenn said...

I wish I would've came to Vegas with you guys! Looks like you all had a blast! So glad were blogging buddies now!

Anonymous said...

Hey I found your blog through Angie too! I didn't know you even had one! Well it's cute and I am glad that I get to blog stalk you now!

Jenny said...

Jessica! Come on! Time for a new post on your blog!

Rachel Jenkins said...

I thought you promised me a new blog yesterday! Tisk Tisk!